Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Officially giving snow & ice the silent treatment

Originally, my plan was to fly from Boston to Newark at 12:30PM on Wednesday. I would've gotten into Newark around 2PM give me a ~6 1/2 layover before my program's group flight to Madrid at 8:20PM.

Then, the blizzard which is currently pummeling New England meant I had to change plans. And fast. I had to rebook to only fly the Newark -> Madrid leg Wednesday night. Since if I didn't officially rebook, I probably would've been taken off the Newark -> Madrid leg since I wouldn't have been present for the Boston -> Newark leg which makes little sense to me, anyway. Luckily, Continental Airlines let me do so without a change fee because of the blizzard. Except I almost didn't get a spot on the plane I would've connected to in the first place beacause other folks had changed their flights so the plane was "full", even though, again, I was technically holding a seat! Luckily, with a combo of me continuously hitting the refresh button hoping something would change which would allow me to "book" my flight (again) + someone else changing their plans/freeing up a seat + Continental's already heavily-trafficked letting me through all falling into place at the same time. I was able to get my seat back. In theory, assuming the flight hasn't been excessively overbooked with the boatloads of people needing to re-route.

In order to make sure I beat the blizzard in Boston, I took an 8:20AM Amtrak out of Boston to Newark & am staying in a hotel near the airport with another student participating in my program who also had to change an original Boston -> Newark -> Madrid plan. According to the AccuWeather.com forecast for Newark, there will be sleet & freezing rain in the morning, but less rain in the afternoon and a cloudy evening. So hopefully our flight will only be delayed at worst. I'm crossing my fingers!

Lastly, I should've mentioned earlier that my program takes on a ten-day tour of Spain before we start classes. Right after we land, we leave for Salamanca, where there's a wealth of Romanesque, Gothic & Renaissance archeitecture. We haven't gotten an official intinerary yet, but I THINK we're going to Salamanca, Madrid, Toledo, Segovia & Barcelona. I probably won't be able to update my blog very much during the trip, but I'll certainly write about it soon after.

Ok, off to have a drink at the hotel bar after all this madness!

EDIT: I should also mention that I got my housing assingment! I'm living with a woman who works as a financial advisor ~10 minutes from the university. Of course, I searched for the address on google earth & it appears like it's a quaint, typically European street. I sent her a letter which she'll hopefully get during our ten-day trip before we officially arrive so that she has some background about me. With any luck, it'll be a good match!


  1. Thank goodness everything worked out (i was there for the ups and downs). Have lots of fun and adventures anf remember your whole family loves you!

  2. I kept meaning to comment here, ever since you announced this blog. Sometimes I am a bit slow! I'm very much looking forward to stalking your trip here ;)

    I may or may not be in Spain in April-- this means: I will definitely be in France by the end of March and my best friend is going to be in Madrid in the beginning of April, so it would make sense and be nice and convenient. Maybe I'll make it down to Cordoba!)

    ...the concept of a "typically European street" is ever so bizarre to me. (And yes, I know what you mean. Sorry!)

  3. I think we're going on a group trip (either to Granada or Sevilla, can't remember which) the first weekend in April. Either way, I would be up for meeting you (both literally & figuratively) in Madrid also. Or if you did make it to southern Spain, I'm sure I would be comfortable showing you around Cordoba. If any of these are possible.

    Eh, I guess there is no typical "European street" like there isn't a typical "American street", either. You do have a point.

    Please, keep reading! Right now, I don't have consistent internet connection, but I'm planning one post for each day of our trip.

